We need faster tools and media to prove our ideas, and this is where ready-to use modules like Smart Wi-Fi enter. Fig. 1 shows the top side of Smart Wi-Fi module. Fig. 1: Smart Wi-Fi module Fig. 2: Block diagram of the introduction of Smart Wi-Fi The module is low-cost and versatile; all a developer needs is a USB cable and it is ready to work. For software developers, working with hardware is always a pain, and this is one of the biggest reasons why many ideas never exit a computer. Smart Wi-Fi enables making a product quickly and reliably. With open software resources and hardware data, moving to the final product after the proof of concept is also easy. One of the major aims for writing this article is to show the versatility of this product and show how quick the development can be. In this article a few tests with Smart Wi-Fi are discussed, which show the applicability of this module for development of the Internet of Things (IoT) products. Fig. 3: C...
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